You decide to drink your potion before entering. You notice that your body is transparent. It is like a cloak. You’re not invisible, but camouflaged with the nearby environment. You then decide to enter the room beyond the red door. The room is illuminated enough for you to see, so you put away your lighter. The walls are decorated with red, and also with black spades in a pattern. As the door closes loudly behind you and then disappears, something emerges from above. A figure, likely the one told from the note. The figure seems to have two heads, one of them being on its bottom. The facial features of the heads are identical, with their white beards, white wigs, and black moustaches. They also seem to be wearing crowns. The figure also has two hands, each holding a sword. If you were to divide the figure horizontally, it would be symmetrical. The figure floats in mid-air. The figure then shouts with both mouths, “ Hear thee, hear thee! I am the mighty King of Spades. Who dare enters my room?” The king does not seem to see you, and you decide not to talk back. The figure says, “I know there is a fool in this room, and I shall find thee. Once I do, they shall pay with their blood. Perish by the sword!” There is no visible opening or door for leaving this room, so it seems like you have to defeat this king. Maybe he has a weak spot. His front looks nothing out of the ordinary. Where else will you look?